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Young CANA Talks is the same as CANA Talks but caters for young people. It is presented by young people for young people. Young CANA speakers can talk on subjects relating to climate change, faith & science, social concerns, happiness, innovation, and much more. Young CANA Talks is for young people aged between 12 and 15 years.
Young CANA Talks gives young people the ideal opportunity to inspire other young people through original ideas relating to the faith. Those who become speakers can deepen their own knowledge and faith by learning about a topic in-depth and presenting it from a faith perspective. Furthermore, young speakers will grow in confidence by improving their presentation and communication skills, so vital for a successful life. The young audience will be inspired to action through a deepening of their knowledge and faith.
Adventus Academy works with Secondary Schools to facilitate Young CANA Talks, and those young persons who are potentially interested in presenting on a topic should apply via their respective schools. Adventus Academy, in conjunction with secondary schools, trains young speakers to present their topic in a way that maximises their chances of inspiring the audience.
Secondary schools who are interested to work with Adventus Academy on Young CANA Talks should contact us at or 089 272 6881.
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